Larysa Borysivna Bondarenko
1 Toxicology Department, SI “Institute of Pharmacology & Toxicology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine
*Corresponding Author: *Corresponding author: Larysa Borysivna Bondarenko SI “Institute of Pharmacology & Toxicology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” Toxicology Department Anton Tsedik str.14 Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine Tel: + 38067 683 26 59; Email:, Email:
This review summarizes information on interrelations between diabetes development and collagen metabolism and structure. The growing global problem of diabetes requires the search for new strategies of its complications correction. Among them collagen structure violations and/or its impaired metabolism most often lead to profound disability. Even after several decades of intense studies, pathophysiological mechanisms underlying collagen changes in diabetes mellitus are still not well clear. The main complication is that not only diabetes cause changes in collagen metabolism and structure. Collagens via some mechanisms also may regulate glucose homeostasis, both directly and indirectly. The author also presented the results of own studies on bone and skin type I collagen amino acid composition changes with diabetes. Deepening our understanding of collagen metabolism and diabetes interrelations allows us to optimize approaches to overcome the collagen-mediated consequences of this disease. Recently, it has been clearly demonstrated that use of only antidiabetic agents cannot fully correct such violations. Preparations on the base of flavonoids, collagens and amino acids could be considered as perspective directions in this area of drug development.